
Robozzle (pronounced RoboZZle)

a basic Robozzle puzzle


THE best programming puzzle game EVER!


Check it out in your browser at http://www.robozzle.com/js/index.aspx

or (my preference) the Android or IOS apps

Some Background

Robozzle is a puzzle game that involves writing a program as a simple visual set of instructions to make a robot run around the play field collecting stars and not falling off.

The instruction set is about as limited as can be:

  • Forward
  • Turn Left
  • Turn Right
That's it!
(and some might say that even that's excessive, as we could use three Turn Lefts instead of one Turn Right...but we'll leave that for another day).

Actually there's a bit more to it than that as the playing field can have blocks of different colours (red, blue, green) and the robot's instructions can be made dependent on the square's colour.

...and in some puzzles the robot can change a square's colour

but let's not get away from the fact that this game has a beautifully small instruction set.

But, alas, 

the forums have been neglected and are full of spam.

And even when we do find some genuine comments we are told":

"Hints are OK, but please no full solutions."

Okay, sure, but eventually some of us just got to see how it's done.

So on this site we will honour our favourite programming game....

Gaze with wonder at some of the most infuriating puzzles.

...and yes, on this site, we WILL be posting solutions!

So dig out your most frustrating puzzle and ask away...

and if anyone can help me with 503 that would be marvellous.

Update 01-12-2018: Never mind...Solved 503!

But I am utterly discombobulated by 3731.


  1. Goodday I'd like assistance with crosses more specifically 1251 & 171. It's just that I haven't grasped the concept behind crosses & how one should turn at the intersection. I'm forever moving linear recursively. Please help I need my medi badge now.

    Oh & 943 for moral support, you know,having been scared & ashamed at how I've been unable to solve crosses for this long... Thank you

    1. I'll do 943 for now, tell me if this helps you solve the others...

      So with 943 you want to:

      go forward twice
      turn twice (on green)
      go forward twice
      turn once (on blue)

      So that's an extra turn if green.

      Can you do it? Have a think.

      I'd do F2 as forward, forward.

      I'd start F1 with a call to F2 and end F1 with a call to F1.

      So in between we just need the turns...one turn any colour then another turn only if green...

      You got it?

      Scroll down for solution...

      F1: F, R, R(if green), F1
      F2: F, F

  2. I'm having problem solving #161 any help would be highly appreciated.

    1. well...
      you're going to go forward,
      you're going to turn right on red,
      and you're also going to jump to F2 on red.

      Then you're going to go forward,
      you're going to turn right on green,
      and you're also going to jump to F3 on green.


    2. Finally! Thank you so much 🙂

  3. Can't wrap my head around #4934. Thanks for helping.

    1. Yeah I'm stuck on that.
      Here's my first attempt...


      stacking up the FWDS but too many Left turns.
      Any advance on that?

    2. I see that in the comments (for the very similar 179) people say they solve it first in designer mode with 3 functions, then go to 2 functions from there.

    3. Comments being here:

    4. This is how you solve the #179 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z9FXj_W5zU

      The #4934 is different, looks like an authentic FIFO, I can't imagine how it can possibly be solved

    5. Blimey that #179 solution I'm still trying to understand.
      Thanks for posting it.
      I'm going to add a Youtube Solution section so please forward any more you find.

      #4934?...maybe someday!

  4. Hello, do have tips for #1736? Can't figure out how to do the seconds and third turn.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  5. Hello I'm currently stuck on 1042. In general I don't understand how I can "remember" that I passed red when there is only one function. In 863 I think I have a similar problem. How to know that it is the seconds pass and not turn on green.

    1. 863...
      I start with "Left on Green",
      I follow that with 2 Fwds, 2 Lefts, various colors.
      The aim is that when it comes back to the green square it hits a Fwd before the "Left on Green" instruction.

      Solution here:

    2. 1042...
      I did this in 7 instructions (the kool kidz manage 6!).

      Fwd, R on Green, Fwd on Green,...

      My (suboptimal) solution here:

  6. Hello can i have some help whit thé "39"

    1. 39

      F2: fwd, fwd, Left
      F3: fwd, fwd, Right
      F1: F2, F3, etc



Please post solutions, suggestions or frustrations.